Saturday, November 17, 2012

Random News From The Annals of My Life

Sorry for the temporary blogging hiatus; I've been pretty busy lately. I've written a few blog posts but haven't yet published them for various reasons. I'll try to catch back up.

Here's a few random bits of news to update you on life.

Harry Edward Styles - the hamster - passed away yesterday. We don't know what was wrong with him. The day before his death he was quite chipper and energetic...just his usual self. The following day he was lethargic and limp, breathing intermittently, couldn't walk, etc. It was really sad when he passed away; I was participating in a live online class session, so I couldn't be there, but apparently Harry was crying and squeaking as he died - he had never made any sound before. It was rather tragic, especially because we had Harry for only a short period of time: today would be the one-week mark of his life with us. Still, we are glad we had him at all, even for such a brief time. The comforting thing is that Harry had a happy, loving home during his last six days of life, instead of dying at that pet store without ever having a family. Rest in peace, Harry. I'm sure you are looking down on us from hamster-heaven ;-).

This isn't related, but it is some big news: Ruth left today :(. For those of you who don't know, Ruth was an intern from Mexico who has lived with us for the past four months. She came to help with the ministry here on Caye Caulker, and she really was a blessing to us all, especially to the kids she helped teach during the youth meetings. We are going to miss Ruth a ton (with just the six of us the house feels so empty!), but hopefully we can see her again soon if our family visits Mexico! <3

The rest of this news could hardly be classified as "major", but I figured I might share it with you...

I'm memorizing the Gettysburg Address this week! Maybe, once I learn it by heart, I can post it on here (and I promise I won't just copy and paste it - I will type it up by the sheer ninja-power of my own brain!).

By the way, I saw this video that I am convinced is probably the cutest and most romantic proposal ever. The first part is the best, if you don't want to watch the whole thing. Check it out:

Another random thought, now that I just posted the above: can Gangnam Style really be the number one video on YouTube? I mean, you're kidding me, right? Wow.

And while I'm on the topic of randomly picking subjects - I seriously think that Blogger should create a built-in (but optional) feature so that readers can "like" a blog post, a la Facebook. How useful would that be?!

Lastly: I noticed on another blog that each weekend the author posts links to various different articles, videos, or photos that relate to the blog's topic. The readers can then explore the assortment of interesting pieces. Of course, if I were to do this you can just imagine the randomness, since I don't necessarily have a narrowly defined focus for this blog. Oh, well - maybe all give it a try. If you guys like this idea, PLEASE comment below. Seriously. I'm basically begging you. See:
That's a bit dramatic, but I really am asking you to comment. If you don't know how, scroll to the bottom of this post. It will say "posted by Brielle Autery at [time]," and to the right of that there is a clickable phrase - right now it will say "No comments," but that status might change if you click on it and write something :D. Again, thank you; I uber appreciate it. 

...Okay, this has been a very eclectic post, but such is life. I will try to get in another blog post today. Keep your eyes pealed! (Is it just me, or does that phrase make no sense?! And, NO: I do not have ADD - oh look, a bird!)

LOLz and blessings!


Photo credit:


Abigail Haas said...

Haha ok, so 1. I'm partly commenting because, well, you want people to comment:) but 2. I just have to say that I totally agree with you on Gangnam Style. So ridiculous. What is the world coming to!?!?:) Oh and 3. you're probably wondering who I am:) So I'll tell you. I'm Abby and we were both in Mrs. Bledsoe's english class last year. Don't worry, I won't be insulted if you don't remember me:) and last but not least, I totally LOVE your blog! I really enjoy your style of writing and often find myself actually laughing out loud. Haha and I've never even met you...I guess you're just that good of a writer:)

Unknown said...

Hi Abby!

So sorry: I didn't see your comment until just now...we've been out of town and I haven't had a chance to check, plus I didn't get a notification for some reason :/

I really appreciate your comment, LOL. I was getting concerned that the code was messed up or something or I hadn't configured my settings correctly because no one was commenting! ;-)

IKR?! I can't understand why Gangnam Style is so popular either. One of the great mysteries of life...:P

Ooh, that's cool! Unfortunately, I can't honestly tell you I remember your face, since I have never seen you in person. However, it's great to officially "meet" you! It's kinda interesting because I always seem to have at least one Abby in
every online class I take, haha!

Awwww, thank you! That means a lot. I'm glad to hear you enjoy reading my blog, and that you find it funny. What a compliment - I do my best to write well, though sometimes I'm in a rush. It's nice to have an outlet to express my ideas through writing.

Hope to see you 'round here in the future! Blessings, ~*Brielle*~

Anonymous said...

Hi Brielle! i absolutely love your blog! You have some awesome stuff here. i haven't seen much of you lately for blindingly obvious reasons but I am very glad to have found you blog. i added it to my favorites! i needed a good laugh or two today anyway. thank you for keeping this up! talk to you soon.
