Friday, November 30, 2012

I Have Failed You, Anakin / Random Updates / Thankfuls

Guys, I have an apology to make: I'm super duper alley uper bounce* sorry for not blogging in, like, eons (okay, it was eleven days, but whatevs). Unbeknownst to you, my awesome readers, my family took a trip to Mexico for Thanksgiving - hence my absence. The busyness of life can get to you, know what I mean? So I wanted to tell you how terribly sorry I am. As Obi Wan Kenobi said to his backslidden** Jedi-apprentice-turned-Sith, Anakin:

"I have failed you Anakin [alternatively read as "blog readers"], I have failed you."

All that to say, mea culpa. I'll try harder.

And now, to significantly more interesting stuff!

Let's see...

Well, our trip to Chetumal, Mexico, went well. We basically chillaxed, shopped, enjoyed the luxuries of Wal-Mart, Sam's, and a mall (albeit tiny). The hotel worked out well - turns out that it was only $36 a night. SCORE! 

I also realized that I completely forgot to share with you a list of things I'm thankful for. *facepalm* I have remedied that situation and added a belated Thanksgiving list:


1.) My God. He gives meaning to my life, brings joy to my heart, fills me with peace even in the midst of chaos, faithfully supports me through my trials, never ceases to love me unconditionally, and sent the ultimate Gift to save me. There is none like Him (Jeremiah 10:6). 

2.) My family. They back me up, love me without reserve, listen to my concerns, care about me selflessly, and share in my struggles. My family is such a blessing in my life.

3.) My friends. I've got a sprinkling of them all over the world, frankly - Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Texas, Colorado, Oklahoma, Hawaii, Mexico, Canada, Belize, India (if I didn't include your state or country, it's not because I forgot you - just your location!). Friends are the family you choose. I am so thankful for these people who love me and have touched my life. BTW, I might get to see some of you this Christmas! :)

4.) The blessings of living in a safe area, having a wonderful, spacious home, loads of great food, plenty of clothes, and a lack of any true worries. 

5.) The gift of education. I appreciate the sacrifices my parents have made to homeschool me and my siblings. Thanks for investing in our futures, Mom and Dad!

6.) The blessing of having a huge range of opportunities open to me.

7.) The knowledge that I am never alone. 

8.) The gift of life. The gift of a strong body. The gift of good health. Don't take them for granted. 

9.) The blessing of the simple pleasures of life - getting a good night's sleep, a hot shower (I really appreciate this one: only recently got hot water; it has been out since August!), eating chocolate (!!!!)...

10.) Great, clean music! I know that all the other thankfuls I listed were rather deep, but c'mon - gotta love some good tunes! Crankin' Christmas songs right now. ;-)

That list barely scratches the surface and is pretty general, but it is a nice start. 

Gosh, I can't think of anything else of interest to write about. Oh, I had this idea (saw it on another blog, actually) to set a side one post per week to list some of the awkward and awesome moments of the week. Should we run with it? Tell me what you think. 

BTW... I totally understand y'all's*** aversion to commenting; I'm a blog lurker myself. But I seriously doubt any of you are literally allergic to posting a comment. Gee, you can do it anonymously, for goodness' sake! What I mean to say is, please feel free to comment. I would really appreciate it. 

Blessings, everyone! Stick around for some more posts, and don't forget to subscribe.


P.S. I am considering starting a YouTube channel. Should I go for it?

*Yes, that is a quote from Tigger of the One Hundred Acre Wood. I'm weird like that. Oh d-d-d-dear. 
**Apparently "backslidden" isn't a word. Oh, well... *presses "add to dictionary"* ... "Problem solved, Rico!"
***Y'all's. 'Cause that's how I roll. Yee-haw!

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