Monday, November 19, 2012

Oh My Goodness Gracious!

Okay everyone, I have some crazy family and I are going to the U.S. this December!!! As most of you probably know, we currently live in Belize, Central America doing missions work. This summer we forewent (past tense of forego?) our planned summer furlough, but we just discovered we will be visiting for Christmas! Well, actually, it was us kids who recently discovered the fact - my parents obviously decided, LOL. You can see how excited I am...after all, we haven't seen our family or friends in nearly a year! (We did visit last winter because Josiah had a health issue.) I seriously cannot stinkin' wait.

Our parents just announced it to us yesterday. We were all sitting on the couch and they threw us off by first telling us we would be visiting a different church meeting, so we didn't expect their second declaration. It went something like this:

Mom and Dad: "The other thing we wanted to tell you guys was that we're going to be visiting the U.S. this December --"
Us kids: "Are you serious?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!"
Mom and Dad: "Yep."
Joy and I: *turn toward each other and begin screaming hysterically like obsessed fangirls at a One Direction concert while gasping for breath and gesticulating wildly*

^^^That's how it happened. The hysterical fangirl part is especially accurate ;-).^^^

As you can imagine, we basically strangled our parents by hugging them.

So, to all my Stateside readers...I might see you in a few weeks!!! :D



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Freaking out like obsessed fangirls at a One Direction concert? i don't know if i want to know anymore.

Just kidding :)