Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Comment - Yes...Spam - No

Okay, guys - I'm about to ask you a question of utmost importance. Pay attention. Here goes:

Will you please comment on my blog? Pretty please? With sugar on top? And confetti and glitter falling from heaven? And pink unicorns dancing in the background? And... well, you probably get the picture.

Why do I want you to comment? Because it is the only way I know you are here. True, I can check my stats and see that since this blog's creation three days ago, I have had 63 hits. And I can see the breakdown of what countries y'all* are coming from. And what browsers and operating systems y'all* are using. But if you never comment, you're just a number and I don't know who you are or even if you like  my blog (of course, you probably like it if you keep coming back, and - after all - what's not to like? xD). I understand your aversion to commenting; I'm a blog lurker myself. However, I'm asking you to consider taking a moment to comment if you happen to come across a post you like or think is funny or agree with (or the reverse of any of these). In fact, I would super-duper appreciate it if you comment on this post just to say you are reading. It will make my day ;-).

But before I move on, allow me to clarify my comment policy. *Clears throat*
I have currently configured the comment settings so that:

  • Anonymous comments are not allowed
  • Any back-links you post are hidden
  • Comment moderation is off (I can still moderate comments; this just allows you to post immediately without having your comment approved first)
  • Word-verification is off 
I have removed anonymous comment privileges and hidden back-links to reduce spam. Comment moderation and word-verification are off for the convenience of posters; but be warned - if I get spam or inappropriate content, I will change the settings to prevent it. Don't tempt me. Just kidding :). Actually, I'm mainly trying to prevent spammer-bot comments, which is why I may have to turn on word-verification (though I doubt my little, low-traffic blog is a likely target o.O). 

Anyway, to recap: 
  1. I would love it if you comment 
  2. Don't spam me
Thank you, guys!
Blessings, and don't forget to comment! <3

*Yes, y'all. 'Cause even though I was born in Virginia, I'm a Texan at heart.