Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hachi: A [Tear-jerking] Dog's Tale

Not last Friday, but the Friday before, my family and I watched the movie Hachi. It is not a new release; apparently it has been out since 2009, but we had never watched it until recently. I missed the first twenty minutes or so because I was doing other things - I didn't even intend to watch since I figured it would just be another run-of-the-mill dog story. Sure, those stories are heartwarming, but Balto and Lassie are so well-known, and they get old after awhile. However, this movie was different. 

The performance in Hachi is top-notch, with the movie boasting a star-studded cast including Richard Gere and Joan Allen. But it is the story that is so heart-wrenching. The based-on-a-true-story tale is about a music professor who finds and rescues a young Akita puppy at the train station. When he brings it home, his wife is adamant that the dog be returned to its owner or adopted by someone else, but she soon comes around when she realizes how well Hachi has bonded with her family (or is it vice versa?). As time passes, Hachi becomes a part of the family and loves his master deeply. Every afternoon he goes to the train station, waiting for the professor to get off the commuter train. For years he continues in this habit, with loving devotion to his master. Even in the wake of a terrible tragedy, the faithful Hachi loyally awaits the professor day after day...           I won't tell you anymore because I don't want to ruin the story in case you watch it.  

And let me warn you in advance: Thou shalt bawl thine eyes out. I almost made that phrase the subtitle of this post, but it was too long and tedious. Seriously, this movie is soooooooo sad, yet soooooooo awesome. To convince you, I will divulge one of my deep, dark secrets. Ready? 

I cried.

You read that right. That is a surprising declaration coming from me - after all, I'm a ninja. Hardcore warriors like me don't cry when they see a dog movie! *Duh* Well, I have discovered that the exception to the never-cry-in-a-dog-movie-it's-lame rule, and it is the movie Hachi. In all seriousness, though, I rarely cry in movies. A few tears escaped when I watched Iron Giant circa ten years old, and I think I sniffled a bit when I saw Amish Grace (the true story of an Amish community that publicly forgave without reservation the man who murdered their children). Other than that, I have a dry-eye record, but Hachi left me with tears running freely down my face.

If any of you watch Hachi and don't cry, I have two things to say to you: 
First, I recognize in advance that you will think I'm dumb and childish for crying. I'm okay with that, because deep down inside I am assured of my ninja/samurai/warrior status, so... you got nothin.' Secondly, if you don't cry in this movie, you were probably dropped on your head as an infant and the part of your brain that feels emotions was permanently damaged. Of course, I'm totally kidding about the latter point, though I don't regret affirming my awesomeness level. 


Lolz and blessings,
