Saturday, November 3, 2012

My Blog's Inception - or, "Welcome!"

I wrestled for a long time with the question of how to start this post - it being the oh-so-important first blog entry and all. But I finally decided to just go with the flow and touch on the most important topics: who I am, why I am blogging, and what this blog is about. You will hear a lot more about these subjects if you stick around long enough, but here's a brief introduction.

Who am I? 

My name is Brielle Autery, and I am a teenage missionary kid living in Belize, Central America. I love God, my family, people, and life, plus a gajillion other things (including blogging!), but the first four are what really matter. If you want to know more about me, check out my profile or read my "About Me" post (coming soon). For now, I won't bore you with a lot of redundant information you can find elsewhere or will be reading in the near future ;-). 

Why am I blogging?

Because I love to write, and a blog is a great medium for doing so. However, this blog isn't a professional site with a special niche topic. It is just the chronicles of my life - my thoughts and ideas, musings and ramblings. I might write about my great frustration over the overuse of ellipses one day, then in my next post retell the events of a recent mosquito infestation, then the next day discuss my faith , and in another post share a photo of my dog, Jazz. Okay, I probably won't be that random, but pretty close to it. Because that's life. It's random; it's messy; it doesn't fit in a box; it goes off schedule - and my blog will reflect that. And I'm okay with that, because that is its purpose. Trust me, I'm not aiming for your average high schooler's blog, where posts are written in some dialect of texting-language and follow a pattern clearly indicative of ADHD. Nor should you expect me to post goofy videos like "Where's the Chapstick" on a daily basis. I'm just saying that this blog is going to be fun and full of life. 

By the way, some of you who know me will remember that I had a blog before this one. But like so many blogs, it was tragically neglected... *blows nose dramatically*. So when I realized that I really love blogging and decided to get going again, I preferred to just start over and create a new blog. <End of brief explanation>

What is This Blog About?

I kinda covered this point in my response above, but in a nutshell:

Live, laugh, love. 

Yes, I know that was short; yes, you can look forward to a post on this one, too!


That's it, folks! I hope y'all stick around in the upcoming days to see this blog continue to unfold. I can pretty much guarantee you that it will be worth it. And by pretty much, I mean definitely ;-).

